
Layouts of List Page Template

Ref: Hugo List Page Template , Bulma Grid System

Configuration Example 1

            widgets = ["breadcrumb"]
            offset = 0
            width = 12
            widgets = ["content"]
            width = 8
            widgets = ["children"]
            width = 4
            widgets = ["recently", "allcategories", "alltags"]


| widget:header (fixed)                     |
| widget:breadcrumb                         |
| widget:content                            |
| widget:children   |   widget:recently     |
|                   |   widget:allcategories|
|                   |   widget:alltags      |
| widget:footer (fixed)                     |

Configuration Example 2

            widgets = ["breadcrumb"]
            width = 6
            widgets = ["allcategories"]
            width = 6
            widgets = ["alltags"]
            widgets = ["content"]
            widgets = ["children"]
            widgets = ["recently"]


| widget:header (fixed)                     |
| widget:breadcrumb                         |
| widget:allcategories  | widget:alltags    |
| widget:content                            |
| widget:children                           |
| widget:recently                           |
| widget:footer (fixed)                     |

Layouts of Taxonomy Page Template

Same as Above (List Page Template).

Configuration Example

                widgets = ["breadcrumb"]
                width = 8
                widgets = ["children"]
                width = 4
                widgets = ["allcategories", "alltags", "recently"]

Layouts of Signle Page Template

Same as Above (List Page Template).

Configuration Example

            widgets = ["breadcrumb"]
            width = 8
            widgets = ["content"]
            width = 4
            widgets = ["tableofcontents", "related", "recently"]

Layouts of Error 404 Page Template

Same as Above (List Page Template).

Configuration Example

            widgets = ["error404", "recently"]